BCS wheel weights for sale in Arizona. BCS Elite dealer. Factory
trained and authorized for Briggs & Stratton, Honda, Kohler, Vanguard Engines.
412 West Gemini Drive, Tempe Arizona 85283, (480) 838-7472 (800) 789-7894
Do you need more traction for your BCS Tractor? This is the most cost
effective way to add up to 100 pounds per wheel. Weights bolt to the studs that
mount the tractor wheels Uses standard barbell weights (not included) Source
the weights from your local Walmart or Thrift shop. Each hanger is 8 inches long.
100 pounds maximum per wheel.
APD Power Center Phoenix Arizona 412 W Gemini Drive Tempe AZ 85283
(480) 838-7472 (800) 789-7894  apdpowercenter at yahoo.com
These hangars bolt to the
wheel studs of your BCS
Tractor. Slide on standard
Barbell weights.